Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Soup at Six -- Scopes Monkey Trial

My apologies to Hallie for not getting this up sooner! I completely forgot to upload photos and videos from her Soup at Six program last week.

It was another great event! Hallie presented the story of John Scopes and his trial for teaching evolution in public schools in the 1920s. She began with a short biography of Charles Darwin, followed by a discussion of the issues leading up to the trial. She concluded with a look at the current debate.

As always, the soup was delicious! Thanks again to Randy Smith for all of his efforts with this series of programming.

Below are some highlights of the night:

We are going to start the Soup at Six programs back up in the fall with some cemetery-related topics. There will be two Teas with the Curator this summer, and also some cemetery walks to look forward to!

Thanks to everyone who supported our series of 1920s programs! It wouldn't be fulfilling for us if we didn't have an audience to present our programs for! This community continues to amaze me with its interest in history. Chris and I truly picked a wonderful place to move to seven years ago!!

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