Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Volunteer Gary Blass

This morning I received word that museum volunteer Gary Blass passed away last night.

His wife called me on Monday and asked if I would come out to their house sometime this week because Gary had some McKinley items he wanted to donate. She told me he wasn't doing well and that Hospice had been called in. I asked when would be a good time, and she said they would be home all week. Since I had some appointments on Tuesday, I asked if Wednesday would work.

So we set up an appointment for 11:00 AM this morning. She said Gary would really like to see Joyce too, so we both planned to go this morning.

When I got in today I had a message from Janice Blass canceling our appointment, because Gary had passed away last night.

I was shocked. She called again later this morning to make sure I got her first message. I got to talk to her this time, and she said that they knew it was coming, but didn't expect it so soon.

Gary was a very active volunteer before Chris and I came here, but we did see him from time to time at museum events. I also went to his house to do my "Meyers Lake Revisited" program for his Sunday school class last summer.

Gary was very proud of the museum and always told Chris and me that we were doing a great job whenever we saw him. Although we didn't know him as well as we would have liked, he will be missed.

1 comment:


I knew Gary Blass well. While I attended Fairmount Park Elementary school during the mid 70s to the early 80s, Gary was my 6th grade teacher. He was also the head of Junior Patrol when I was in it. I did not know of his passing until last week during a retirement funtion at the school for my fourth grade teacher. I was not aware of his helping out with the McKinley Museum, either. He will most definitely be missed.