It's just after noon and already there is barely anything left of
A Secret Gift in the Keller Gallery. They all come down so much faster than they go up. It was tough to take it down, but we have a schedule to keep, so I really didn't have a choice.
We've started building the next exhibit and it's going to be amazing!
Stay tuned for installation in progress pictures. In order to maximize the amount of time
A Secret Gift was up, I cut our installation time IN HALF! We usually have two weeks to turn the gallery around, but we only have one week this time.
I better get back up there!
But first, here's a sneak peek at some of the images you'll see
Friday night at the opening of
Black Wings: American Dreams of Flight:
Bessie Coleman
picture features Bessie Coleman
in her JN-4 Curtiss Jenny
biplane in 1923. Barred admittance
to flying schools in the
United States
because of her race,
she learned to speak French
so she could attend flying
schools there. She became
the first African American
woman in the world to
receive her pilot’s license.
Photo courtesy Wolf Aviation Fund
Air Circus Billboard 1931
This billboard is publicizing the first
all black air show in Los Angeles.
The show featured a team of all black female pilots called the
“Blackbirds.” William J. Powell, known
for his work in and promotion of aviation, was responsible for the event.
Photo courtesy Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum |
The Tuskegee Airmen, 1944
extraordinary works of the Tuskegee Airmen caused the black press to publicize
not only their achievements, but those of other black servicemen. The press
they both received led many to call for the end of racial segregation in
American society.
Photo courtesy Library of Congress
Marlon Green
Marlon Green was the first African
American pilot hired by a major passenger airline. Green joined Continental
Airlines as a pilot and became a captain in 1966. He fought the racial
exclusion policy by the airline all the way to the Supreme Court in 1964. He
was praised as hero for breaking down this racial barrier.
Photo courtesy Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum |
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