Thursday, August 7, 2008

OK, that didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped

And I have bloody scratches on my arms to prove it!

Brandy is apparently NOT a "people cat." She was not thrilled to be in a big room with so many people and bolted behind the 24 foot long blue screen, which is leaning up against the wall with less than one foot of space for me to slide into. I had to squeeze back there to get her, getting little wood slivers stuck in my shirt. And needless to say, I was COVERED in cat hair.

So, in essence, she blew her first big movie roll!

I'm not sure if Jim got the footage he wanted, or if he will have to seek out other cat talent sometime after the camp is over.

But we tried!

I brought her home immediately following her shoot, and she wouldn't speak to me the entire way home. Then, they were doing paving work on our street, so I sat in traffic extra time before I was able to get her home.

Once she was there, she told her sister all about where she had been, got some treats, and dove into her food bowl. When I left to come back to work, she was laying on her side in the middle of the living room rug, sort of glaring at me.

I hope she is over it by the time we get home tonight!!

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