Thursday, May 9, 2013

White House exhibits have arrived!

The crates from the White House Historical Association arrived yesterday!

The trio of exhibitions opens on MAY 31 in the Keller Gallery.  The exhibits are:
  • James Hoban:  White House Architect
  • White House Horses
  • The West Wing
We will also be including a small fourth exhibit called McKinley's White House, drawn from photographs in our own archival collection.

The panels are really, really big for James Hoban and The West Wing.  We will need to use all of the exterior walls, plus 4 of our freestanding walls on both sides, just for those exhibits!  White House Horses is a fabric panel exhibit with a mounting structure we have to build.  The Keller Gallery will be quite full, but it's going to look wonderful!

Please join us for a FREE opening reception on Friday May 31 at 6:00 PM.  RSVP at 330-455-7043.

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