Friday, October 9, 2015

Mountain feedback

Yesterday a museum member sent Chris this link to a blog post written by Paul Werth Associates about how I handled the McKinley/Denali debacle a few weeks ago.  It is called "Unexpected Civility Is Great PR."

I wanted to share it here because I was shocked and humbled by the words that were written about me.  He said my response was "pitch perfect," and he concludes with this:

If President McKinley were here today, he might be disappointed that he lost his mountain, but he'd surely appreciate the media-savvy curator running his museum.

Thank you to Paul Werth Associates for writing this piece!  The entire experience was quite a whirlwind, filled with some of the best compliments and nastiest comments I've ever received.  I very much appreciated your viewpoint of how I handled myself and represented my president.

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