These photos are just a FEW of the wonderful things you'll find here that you won't find anywhere else.
Remember, you don't have to pay admission if you just want to visit the Museum Shoppe! So make us a part of your holiday shopping!
We have lots of unique and educational games and toys for a variety of age groups.
Cindy Sober, our Museum Shoppe Manager, stocks all kinds of wonderful things for customers to enjoy!
We have adorable holiday items too!
And don't forget -- A Doll's World is on view in the Keller Gallery through January 18, 2009. The Museum Shoppe has lots of beautiful dolls at a reasonable price -- they are all less than $20!
You'll have to stop in to see everything for yourself. We have a wide variety of souvenir items and books to choose from. There is also a section of teas, lotions, and jewelry for that "hard to shop for" woman in your life!
Remember, MUSEUM MEMBERS received a 10% discount in the Museum Shoppe. Become a member today!