Most days in May you can find me out in the lobby helping Chris direct traffic! When he has to do a tour himself, which is quite a bit, he needs someone to make sure teachers know where they're going when they "switch." Or to greet the groups who arrive while he is giving a tour.
This time of year is "all hands on deck" for us here at the Museum as we put over
4000 kids through this month on field trips!
For over a week I've planned to go into the Historical Hall to start removing small artifacts from the room settings. I finally got up there today! I took out books, papers, and china today.
We can't start taking major things down until after the first week in June when school tours are over. But we can get a head start right now by moving things the docents don't talk about on their tour.
In between all that, I've been arranging for the Masons to come take down the exhibit, preparing for
The Working White House to arrive, writing newsletter articles, processing new donations, and doing programs.
Oh, and I had to renew my license because my birthday is next week. In the middle of it all!
Right now at this moment I am tired. We're all working very hard!