Friday, February 27, 2009

Number 'em and put 'em away!

I have spent the past two days processing donations so I could clear out my workspace, so I can actually WORK in that space!

There were two dollhouses and a phonograph that were really taking up a lot of room. I hadn't had a chance to get to them, but finally today I was able to catalog them, number them, and photograph them so Steve, Jerry, and Leonard could move them to their new home in storage.

I am also completely up to date with my paperwork for new donations. Which virtually guarantees someone is going to call or stop in with something in the next few days! :-)

Monday, February 23, 2009

New audio tours in the Street

As part of my Capital & Replacement requests, I wanted to re-do the audio tour buttons in the Street of Shops. It was funded, so work has begun on writing new scripts!

The new buttons will be SHORT and sweet -- no more will I venture upstairs to hear the buttons droning on and on, with nary a visitor in sight. Instead, visitors will be able to choose from multiple buttons at each stop, which will explain a specific aspect of that "shop."

I have finished the new text for the Cabin. It will have four buttons, which will discuss:
  • Pioneer Life
  • The Pioneer Home
  • Open Hearth Cooking
  • Spinning & Weaving
Each script averages about 45 seconds in length.

It is my hope that people will actually take the time to listen to the audio tour, because it will be shorter, but also because it will be specific information as requested by the visitor.

I'm very excited to be able to change these audio tours to something more user-friendly for our visitors. I think it will greatly enhance the Street of Shops, and will provide a better educational experience for everyone!

It is important to note that this project is entirely different from the ipod tours that Chris is working on with Jim Gerren. Those tours will be much more in-depth, and the device itself will be equipped with a small screen that will show photos and videos from our collection.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dollhouse exhibit this fall

This fall in the Keller Gallery, we are going to have a dollhouse exhibition called "Life in Miniature."

If you have a dollhouse you'd like us to consider for the show, please print out this form and return it to me:

It's going to be a great show, and it will be on view over the holidays!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


When I haven't posted, you know it's because I'm too busy!

Things have been crazy around here.

First, we had a FANTASTIC President's Day! The crowds were astounding. Much bigger than last year for sure. The Twister Party end of things was a lot of fun, and the funnel cakes were popular!

I have been doing many, many chocolate programs. So much so, the chocolate doesn't even look good to me anymore. My sister said I just need some time to recover, and one day I will want to eat chocolate again. :-)

This morning I spoke to a sociology class at Mount Union -- I did my program "Mother's Little Helper: Shaping Gender Roles Through Toys." It went very well, and the students did participate, which was great.

Tonight Chris is hosting the lead social studies teachers for a workshop. I'm going to talk to them about the Cemetery Walk we have available as part of their field trip.

Last night, Chris and I were on CTC. He talked about volunteering, and I talked about upcoming exhibits.

Speaking of which, I sent a letter out yesterday to a local miniature group asking if their members would be interested in displaying a dollhouse or roombox in the Keller Gallery this fall for the "Life in Miniature" exhibit. I have also been working on publicity materials for the next Keller Gallery exhibit "The Working White House," which opens June 19.

My new intern Amanda is working on a display of Easter artifacts for the front lobby, and is organizing our shoe collection. In between all this other stuff, I'm trying to show her how to do all of these things.

I am ordering archival supplies, so that my volunteers have what they need to do their work.

Today I plan to put up some new posters about upcoming events.

So, that's what I've been up to, instead of blogging!

Oh, if you are interested, I wrote an article called Blogging About Museums for my BellaOnline website that talks about getting started as a museum blogger. (Because in my spare time, I WRITE!!!)

Monday, February 9, 2009

President's Day and Twister Party!

Here is the schedule of events for President's Day, which is next Monday, February 16. It is also our Twister Party, celebrating the new tornado exhibit in Discover World!

We've got lots of activities planned, so come see us! Regular admission includes all events, and as always, members are free.

(Click on image to enlarge)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

McKinley Day coverage!

Thank you Diana Rossetti for her wonderful article in today's Repository!

The event was great! I don't have final numbers, but all seems to indicate that we had more people this year than last year. Jerry Sandifer, our McKinley impersonator, said he spoke to larger groups this year than ever before. And Chris and Bill said their samples of open hearth cooking were gone an hour and a half sooner than last year! (I asked, and they said no, it wasn't because people were taking more per person than last year!)

There were some great pictures in the paper, but there is one of Bill on the Rep's website. So Judy, if you're reading this -- click on the link and show Bill his picture! :-)

I will post some photos later on. I went to bed a little after 9:00 last night because I was so tired!