This week has been a blur.
Split Rock needed some details before they finish final design. Like, a lot of details.
So I have been making some decisions about what artifacts will be in the exhibit, including:
- 12 pieces of Canton glass
- 12 pieces of Morgan china
- items from Canton Cutlery
- 3 dresses from the 1930s
- 3 dresses from the late Victorian Era
- World War II uniforms
- Gibbs toys
Somehow, I discovered some gorgeous dresses that I didn't even realize we had yesterday! And I thought I had been through our textile collection thoroughly. One is a white dress with a black abstract pattern and puffy sleeves, c1890. Another is a delicate pink embroidered satin with light green velvet trim and HUGE leg-o-mutton sleeves, c1895. Just beautiful!
I am happy to say that I completed my list for them yesterday, with just a few exceptions. I also had to send along many images I had already scanned for previous projects.
This exhibit is going to be amazing. I can't wait to see final design drawings. I'll be sure to post a few here so you can see what's coming!
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Also, yesterday was Volunteer Enrichment. It went very well! Stephanie does a great job of planning events for the volunteers. The idea behind this day is to update the volunteer team on what all the departments are doing and to have department meetings to discuss changes, new policies, etc.
Instead of a speaker, this year Steph asked each of us to do a tour of our area so that volunteers could see something other than the area in which they normally work. I led a tour behind-the-scenes, which was pretty popular! I showed the volunteers all of the storage areas, the room where the dolls are waiting to go on display, and some of the equipment I use to create posters, flyers, and exhibit panels.
It was a lot of fun!
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Today I will resume working on the doll exhibit, which is actually a bit behind at the moment. I need to complete my research of overall doll history, so I can create the exhibit panels for the exhibit. I also need to research our records on the dolls who were chosen, so I can make object labels for them. My goal is to have all of that completed by the end of next week, so I can focus on checking some other things off the pre-exhibit checklist!